about me and my photos
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About Me
As an English teacher at a community college in Columbus, Ohio, I try to reserve time, particularly during the summer, for traveling and photography, which are my passions. I grew up in Arizona and therefore love the contrast between desert landscapes and water landscapes, as is evident in the photos on my Photo pages and in the photo on this page. Although I don't photograph them much, my family is also a central part of my life. My husband and two sons accompany me on my travels.

About Travel Photography
Travel photography is exciting when your pictures turn out, but disappointing when the colors and photos are not close to what you actually saw. To be a good travel photographer, make sure you always have your camera ready, store it well, and keep extra film and a copy of your camera receipt with you (for customs). Also, include people for interest, but don't pose them in front of landmarks or buildings. When taking landscape pictures, include some of the foreground to add depth to the pictures. Consider taking pictures of signs (e.g., Welcome to Luxor) because they always add good titles, chapters, or divisions in the story of your travels.

About My Travels
Here's a log of my travels to date. If you'd like to see my pictures of any of these places, please check out my Photo pages. July-August 1994: Prince Edward Island; September 1995: Southern Utah national parks; May-June 1996: southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland; April 1997: Grand Canyon; May-June 1998: Africa and Israel; May 2000: Venice.

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My Africa Travels